Why do you combine Leadership Coaching and NeuroBalancing?

Coming from a systemic executive coaching background, I've always been looking for the missing link in this vast area of business training and leadership coaching.
Something that successfully glues together motivation, purpose, clarity, focus as well as balance, fulfillment and resilience at work.

Unanswered questions remained: "Why are we getting in our own way? Why can we so often not perform the way we would actually like to? What are those patterns that are repeatedly coming back and creating these limiting obstacles on our personal and business path?

Here is what I finally discovered: The key for me was understanding, regulating and healing my own nervous system!

In a conventional coaching or even therapy setting, it all happens on the level of the thinking, analytical mind, the prefrontal cortex.

But, the majority of your stress, fear and overwhelm are a result of past activations of your system that are not yet fully resolved and regulated.
And they are governed by completely different parts of your brain, that you cannot access by talking about them.
That's why so often peoples issues come back, after a short-term relief.

So, when you try to create a fulfilled, succesful future without being aware of unconscious patterns from the past it cannot work.
You need energy, power and focus to perform as a founder, entrepreneur and leader.
If that is wasted by having a nervous-system that is stuck in the past you will unconsciously re-create and experience the same problems again and again.
NeuroBalancing solves that for good.

get to know me

Why is embodiment so important?

The most important thing is to transcend the level of the thinking mind. The cortical brain, which in many classic coaching and even therapy modalities is the standard thing. Right? It's about talking about your problems, analyzing the situation and the trigger, maybe creating a couple of strategies, how to do it differently, and so on. But this doesn't really touch the core.

So the key to lasting and deep transformation lies in embodiment or, first of all, getting a connection to your own body again. Because the body is where the magic happens. The body is where the patterns and the emotions and everything basically are stored. So it doesn't really help by just talking about it.

It's really about experiential transformation. And this means to first really get a connection to yourself again.

How do I imagine a session?

It is all about slowing down. Like the Zen saying goes:

“When you need to move quickly, slow down.”

It's always about slowing down. And then we go deep. And then at some point, we dive deep.

So we go into the feeling, we go into the body and work on a completely different level. This can sometimes appear to people that not much is happening from the outside. But inside, a lot of things are happening. Because if we're working on the level of the nervous system this is where the really magical healing properties of the body can start doing what they know and how to do so.

I am holding space and guiding with compassion and gentleness, but also with loving persistence. I guide you to go to the place where the transformation lies or where the healing can happen.

How do you create that safe space?

Establishing trust is the most important factor.

I don’t judge you.

I provide open awareness and a non judgmental space for that. Out of myself being grounded, centered and balanced you can allow yourself to resonate with that self regulated state of my nervous system. This happens completely subconsciously. So if you are sitting with me and suddenly feel safe, and we don't really know why and people sometimes say I have no idea but it feels totally right to talk to you about this or to share this now. Something you may have never shared to anyone before. Then I know also that your nervous system feels safe with me now. And now you know that you can can start releasing your tension.

get to know me

What types of interventions are you offering

The interventions are on multiple levels:

On the level of the reptile brain and on the level of the emotional brain, the limbic brain and the level of the cortical brain thinking brain to remind the person system that they are safe here and now that they are here and now there are tools for that.

The tools that I've learned that I know that I apply myself in order to stay calm and balanced. And this is the most important thing no matter what you are going through. Even when you are overwhelmed, frightened or angry. My calm presence is here, no matter what. And that allows you to fully experience what needs to be experienced.

It’s about feeling all emotions, releasing them and coming back into the present moment. And in that present moment the healing happens.

Customer Testimonials

Jackie S.

I was really stressed because of my job. I completely lost my daily routines like sports, meditation and nurturing my body with healthy food which led to low self-esteem. I also felt left out in groups and I was lacking to communicate my needs and boundaries properly. My motivation to join this tribe was to practice exactly that, expressing my needs and boundaries in groups. What I learned in this program is that I never reflected on my feelings and emotions. I´d rather play numb than allow myself to drown in emotions. But that led me to shallow connections and no self-improvement. Now I´m a curious explorer of my emotions. I make time and room for myself to practice that and it´s helping me a lot. My motivation to do good things for myself came back. I love myself more. I set and communicate boundaries. I see and feel myself in groups much better. And what can I say, it´s amazing, it´s such an empowering feeling. And I´m only at the very beginning of becoming the best version of myself. I recommend this program to everyone that feels like something is missing. Some spark, some motivation, some inspiration. Inspecting your emotions, sensations and thoughts and putting them in the right context can be a real eye-opening experience. And I would definitely recommend going on the extended retreat as this really makes you go down the rabbit hole. It can really show you your biggest fears and insecurities and initiates a beautiful way of dealing with these and start healing. You´ll be a better person after the program.


I have been struggling with myself and others in a high-pressure work environment. I would get very loud or burst into tears secretly. Which brought on shame, even less respect for myself and a deepening disconnect with the world. My usual response was to distract myself: work harder, go for an even longer run, seek superficially „relaxing“ and „happy“ activities and even more outside validation. That not only brought on more exhaustion but kept getting worse and made me doubt if I could get out of this. I now feel much more secure within myself. I can handle stress ful situations calmly and choose how to react. I can honour my trauma and my learned responses more and more. I feel centred and start the day calmly, no matter how much work or outside stress, there is. I highly recommend working with Johannes as he combines trauma work (we all have them), bodywork and exploring the subconscious. If you feel like you are stuck in repeating patterns with your outside world, Johannes can help you go within, heal and discover new perspectives.

Isabelle E.
Investor and Partner, Private Equity Firm

Your approach still helps me a lot to motivate, organize and structure myself!Your tips are real "life hacks". That's exactly what I appreciate about you, that you gave me your personal experiences, adventures and lifehacks.I am grateful for the personal coaching and your honest feedback. You took the time to analyze me and see where my strengths and weaknesses lie.Together with you, I managed to bring my strengths to the fore and use them in such a way that my weaknesses become null and void.I immediately noticed that you are doing exactly what you love! You do it full of passion and passion! That inspires me a lot!You support people in discovering and exploiting their potential!Thanks for letting me benefit from it!

Georgios S
Sales Professional

I attended a seminar that Johannes led. First of all, it was a lot of fun. The seminar management by him was absolutely professional. Johannes communicated the content very authentically, combined with his experience and perspective. Working with him and our group was excellent. The seminar was really an enrichment.

Michael K
Director, Wealth Management, UBS

I turned to Johannes when I felt very frustrated in my job. I wanted to change but was scared and didn’t have a clear vision. Johannes helped me to overcome my fears and to take action. Through his support, I was able to see my strengths clearly again and redefine my ambitions. I especially appreciate his kindness, his empathy, his holistic approach and the combination of personal life experience with profound knowledge of his field. I highly recommend him as a coach!

Yana B.
Head Group Marketing and Communications, Soravia Group

2020 was a year of change for many and I was no exception. When faced with an important dilemma, Johannes was great in helping me navigate the transformation process. As someone who walked the talk, he was patient, insightful and knowledgeable, which was instrumental in outlining the various options I contemplated. Our work together led to the conscious and intentional pursuit of a new exciting path. I am grateful to Johannes for broadening my perception of new possibilities from a place of calm and empowerment. I highly recommend him as a coach!

Maria M.
Partner, UNHW Wealth Management, Decisive

Johannes is one of the best coaches I have worked with. What I like most about him is his deep understanding and connection to human behaviour and emotion. What makes Johannes very unique in the coaching arena is that he comes with years of experience acting and performing on stage and in front of the camera as well as working in the VC funded startup world which means that he can relate to your personal and business journey at the same time. I have no hesitation in giving Johannes my absolute highest recommendation to anyone who wants to take things to the next level regardless of their starting point.

Luke N.
Founder & CEO, Student.com


I have been struggling with myself and others in a high-pressure work environment. I would get very loud or burst into tears secretly. Which brought on shame, even less respect for myself and a deepening disconnect with the world. My usual response was to distract myself: work harder, go for an even longer run, seek superficially „relaxing“ and „happy“ activities and even more outside validation. That not only brought on more exhaustion but kept getting worse and made me doubt if I could get out of this. I now feel much more secure within myself. I can handle stress ful situations calmly and choose how to react. I can honour my trauma and my learned responses more and more. I feel centred and start the day calmly, no matter how much work or outside stress, there is. I highly recommend working with Johannes as he combines trauma work (we all have them), bodywork and exploring the subconscious. If you feel like you are stuck in repeating patterns with your outside world, Johannes can help you go within, heal and discover new perspectives.

Isabelle E.
Investor and Partner, Private Equity Firm

Your approach still helps me a lot to motivate, organize and structure myself!Your tips are real "life hacks". That's exactly what I appreciate about you, that you gave me your personal experiences, adventures and lifehacks.I am grateful for the personal coaching and your honest feedback. You took the time to analyze me and see where my strengths and weaknesses lie.Together with you, I managed to bring my strengths to the fore and use them in such a way that my weaknesses become null and void.I immediately noticed that you are doing exactly what you love! You do it full of passion and passion! That inspires me a lot!You support people in discovering and exploiting their potential!Thanks for letting me benefit from it!

Georgios S
Sales Professional

I attended a seminar that Johannes led. First of all, it was a lot of fun. The seminar management by him was absolutely professional. Johannes communicated the content very authentically, combined with his experience and perspective. Working with him and our group was excellent. The seminar was really an enrichment.

Michael K
Director, Wealth Management, UBS

I turned to Johannes when I felt very frustrated in my job. I wanted to change but was scared and didn’t have a clear vision. Johannes helped me to overcome my fears and to take action. Through his support, I was able to see my strengths clearly again and redefine my ambitions. I especially appreciate his kindness, his empathy, his holistic approach and the combination of personal life experience with profound knowledge of his field. I highly recommend him as a coach!

Yana B.
Head Group Marketing and Communications, Soravia Group

2020 was a year of change for many and I was no exception. When faced with an important dilemma, Johannes was great in helping me navigate the transformation process. As someone who walked the talk, he was patient, insightful and knowledgeable, which was instrumental in outlining the various options I contemplated. Our work together led to the conscious and intentional pursuit of a new exciting path. I am grateful to Johannes for broadening my perception of new possibilities from a place of calm and empowerment. I highly recommend him as a coach!

Maria M.
Partner, UNHW Wealth Management, Decisive

Johannes is one of the best coaches I have worked with. What I like most about him is his deep understanding and connection to human behaviour and emotion. What makes Johannes very unique in the coaching arena is that he comes with years of experience acting and performing on stage and in front of the camera as well as working in the VC funded startup world which means that he can relate to your personal and business journey at the same time. I have no hesitation in giving Johannes my absolute highest recommendation to anyone who wants to take things to the next level regardless of their starting point.

Luke N.
Founder & CEO, Student.com